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Cooking with naswalt VII | How to make Synthwave

naswalt returns with a new episode of Cooking with Naswalt, this time exploring his core expertise: synthwave. With rich synth textures, crisp drum patterns, and powerful basslines, this tutorial dives into the essentials of a genre that blends nostalgia with modern flair.

The episode also features a genre-typical video that perfectly complements the track Naswalt creates, bringing the atmospheric world of synthwave to life. And here’s a twist to keep you guessing—find out what crafting a synthwave track has in common with making a grilled cheese sandwich.

Whether you’re a synthwave enthusiast or just curious to try something new, check out the finished track in the Studio. You might even be inspired to whip up your own synthwave creation! cooking with naswalt: how to synthwave

Stay tuned for more!

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Featured Artist: anodyne AKA Hurakan

anodyne , previously known as Hurakan, began his Audiotool journey crafting incredible atmospheric Synthwave, pulling listeners in with immersive soundscapes and emotional depth. Now, he’s leveling up, focusing on his skills as an indie inspired singer-songwriter, blending introspective lyrics with rich melodies. While evolving his sound, he stays true to his roots, delivering breathtaking ambient and experimental tracks. His artistic growth is inspiring, leaving a unique mark on the Audiotool community.


About anodyne

I'm from New York, always have been, although I've move way too many times already(at least like 15 times). I've been with Audiotool since I was real young, maybe 8, so I've been on here 9 years. As for my favourite style of music, I gotta say something with rock, maybe more alternative. As for my favourite pizza? Stuffed crust with 5 cheese, tomatoes, basil, pepper, onion, and some fried apple(it's amazing).

Describe the style of music you produce

Absolutely anything, with the exception of metal, country, and trap. I don't limit myself to a specific genre consciously, it would ruin my creative workflow. I honestly just make whatever is on my mind, and then channel that into whatever genre or form of music it turns out to be, whether its rock to ambient or to vocals or none. I just make music :)

What is your musical background and when did you start making music?

All my siblings are into art in some form or another, and my dad used to sing in a choir, and my mom is a whizz with plants and decorating, so overall it's a VERY artsy family. I never really played any instruments until a few years ago, other than the occasional piano thing. I really got into guitar because of Lucas Astoria, and from there, I just fell in love with it. I started making music 9 years ago(kinda), but nothing serious until I made my Hurakan account(3 years ago).

How long have you been using Audiotool, and how did you discover it?

I started AT when I was 8, but it was never serious, not until I was maybe 13(?). I've always been into music, and always wanted to play instruments and sing, but couldn't too well at that age, so I googled some free music sites and found Audiotool. I made an account(Noahb@oreoarmy, dont judge) and I started getting more serious on that. A couple years later, boom goes that account, and I move on from music for a bit. Another couple years later and I'm like: "oh hey, what's this bookmark?", and thus, Hurakan is born.

What is your favorite Audiotool device and why?

The pulv. How else did you expect me to answer? I think it's been(doing some research) actually more than 5 years since I made a song completely without it(excluding meme tracks). It's just something I KNOW how to use, exactly how I want to. I hear a synth in my head I want, I can make it on the pulv, like 80% of the time. With other synths it's different. Imma go extra and give my favourite effect: Helmholtz

What is your favourite trick in AT/What technique do you always use?

Not sure if this is specifically what ya'll are asking, but I know a lot of people don't know these tips: In studio, you can press tab with the synth area open and it'll give you a blue box with a zoomed out view of your draft. You move the box where you want it and release tab, and boom, you're there. Also works with moving devices. If you press 2 on your keyboard and select a bunch of devices, and then try to move them as you usually would while pressing tab, you can move the whole block much faster. Neat little organization trick and movement trick that saves me a bunch of time :)

Have you ever had a writer's block? If so, how did you deal with it and what do you recommend to your colleagues

Of course I've had writer's block! It makes me feel like UUOGAWOOGUUAHH, you know? I have a couple of ways to deal with it, depending on how severe it is or how I'm feeling. Sometimes I'll listen to some music to try to get inspiration. Other times I'll just go into the studio and make garbage on purpose, to kinda spurt my brain into realizing it's time to lock in. And sometimes I don't make music at all, I just let my brain recover from the burnout(which is what writer's block is, in my opinion). Sometimes the best course of action is inaction.

What has helped you the most on Audiotool to improve and widen your musical horizon?

I mean, obviously the community as a whole, getting to see other people's work ethics and how they make their music and whatnot. But for specific artists, I gotta go with Lucas Astoria. Without him, I would have NEVER picked up guitar again, and to be honest, I probably would have quit music. He was there at such an important turning point in my life, kind of a make or break moment with my relationship with music. He helped light that fire back inside me, gave me the mental push and adrenaline I needed to keep going. He's one of the best guys I've ever had the chance to meet, both musically and humanly(if that word makes sense). Go check him out

What do you like most about Audiotool? Is there anything you would like to suggest?

I love the openness of it. Everyone can communicate freely to help each other learn and lift themselves up. Obviously, there are negative side effects to openness, as there always is, but 99.99% of the time, Audiotool is great at communication and sharing, which gives us an edge over other DAWS.

Your message to the community:

Be patient. I've tried to learn this all my life, not even in just music, but for everything. I was always a chaotic kid; loud, obscene, and an unstoppable energy ball. While there's truly nothing wrong with that, it's important to learn to slow down and be patient with the world around you. Just remember: breathe

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Spotify (I'll add here eventually!):

Edition Audiotool: anodyne AKA Hurakan

Track #1:

sinking feeling by atelier

This track has completely changed my life in a way no other song ever has. Nothing but the utmost respect and love for such an amazing artist. I BEG you to him out.


Track #2:

meant to be by mavis

I made more art listening to this song than I have in a long while. Every single art class, I would have this on repeat for hours, just drawing and drawing and drawing. It's pure bliss.


Track #3:

Blue Bird by Lucas Astoria

I was there the whole time watching him making this stuff. It's crazy watching such a talented guitarist just make something so freaking cool. And then when he showed it to me the first time? BLUE BIRDS STARTED FLYING PAST US! Like, what??!?!?! It has a soft spot in my heart, for sure :)


Track #4:

your side w/ civility by sim and CIVILITY Just an absolute banger by my favourite duo in AT, hands down. Their styles merge so well and form into something extremely satisfying, both as a musician, and as a regular listener. 11/10 track, would definitely recommend to everyone I meet.


Track #5:

Lime by Amp7070

One of my favourite artists on AT, highly underrated, and an amazing voice. Mix that in with his incredible synthwork and just wow. Lime is just very catchy to me, and I love trying to sing it in the accent as well :)


Track #6:

alibi(improv) by anodyne

This was a close tie with Driving Lithuania III, but Alibi is the exact showing of who I want to be as an artist. This is who I want to be musically. Something about this song just heals me a little bit more each time, even if I don't know why. If you're looking at my stuff, this is the track I hope you find first.


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